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1Jobs-a-good’un Empty Jobs-a-good’un Sun 29 Jul 2012, 10:19 am



At ShareDiaries we know that most of us share an awful lot online and sometimes it’s a lot more than we all realise. One of the main reasons we spent so much time building our site was to provide a place that allowed you to manage all the main areas of your weblife.

A big concern when it comes to personal branding online is the issue when social mixes with professional. We all know that we’ve got pictures, conversations and actions that we wouldn’t dream of sharing with our boss, but unfortunately the internet provides an open book to your life. The scary part is it can be to your detriment if not managed correctly, but with sites such as (we won’t name names again, but the one that begins with F) purposely making everything you do to encourage action by making it as visible as possible for their own traffic and page views. So we brought in a site in the form of ShareDiaries that allows you to clearly define the difference between business and pleasure.

One of these most crucial parts is your professional life; so employment, business and professional networking. Many of you will be familiar with Linkedin and this is most certainly the leader of sites when it comes to professionalism. However, beyond actually networking and creating an online CV, what else is there? We know they now have a jobs section within Linkedin. But allow us to enlighten you…

Linkedin made over half of its revenue from recruitment advertising in its last financial quarter, it’s one of the most expensive places to physically advertise a job and why not? They have over 130 million users so can afford to push back on the hirers to make them pay to reach that audience.

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