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Does CSI ship mouse pads outside of the United States?

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Yes we do. We have shipped pads to many different countries around the world.
We can ship directly to an overseas address or
to a shipping agent anywhere in the United
States. We will ship via any carrier the customer
prefers and either charge the shipping to the
customer’s account or add the shipping costs to
our invoice.
We have had excellent results shipping overseas
via “Express Mail International Service
(EMS).” EMS delivers in two to three business
days to major business centers and a few days
later in outlying areas. That is not as quick as
the overnight delivery offered by Federal
Express and other carriers, but their rates are
generally much lower. The actual rates are set
by the Post Office of the receiving country.
You may want to see the section on 1/16” thick
mouse pads. These pads can save you up to 75%
of your shipping costs.
All of our prices are in United States dollars, are
based upon “customer provided camera ready
copy” and are exclusive of any shipping
charges, duty or customs charges, sales or use
tax or any other charges that may applicable in
the customer’s country. Because of the custom
nature of our products, prepayment is required
on all international orders.
We will be happy to provide free samples of any
of our products, however for overseas shipping
we ask that the recipient provide a Federal
Express account number, or an account number
with a similar carrier, to help defray the cost of
the sample pads and the overseas shipping.
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