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International Project for Super Junior - 3 Years Anniversary Event

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Suju Arbitrator
Suju Arbitrator

Super Junior - 3 Years Anniversary Event


This is a notice for overseas fans.
Overseas fans who wants to get involved in Super Junior’s 3rd year anniversary event,
please read below notice.


6th November. The most special day for Super Junior and E.L.F.

This is a place to prepare events for Super Junior’s 3rd year anniversary.

For this year’s anniversary, we are preparing gifts that shows our love for 13 members,
whose been working so hard non-stop for past 3 years.

For details of the events, please reference the notices on each board.

International Project for Super Junior - 3 Years Anniversary Event Support
International Project for Super Junior - 3 Years Anniversary Event Support

You can move to SUPER MARKET by clicking letter “S” on the left-below of the site.

You can use SUPER MARKET ID. Even if you don’t have one, you are allowed to the site without registering.



To celebrate Super Junior’s 3rd year anniversary, we are going to deliver E.L.F.’s heart with written letters.

Written letters must be to ALL Super Junior members. We don’t accept individuals. If you must, please write to all 13 members individually. Letter to specific member will be returned to you.

The letter must be sent with double layered envelope.
This means enveloped letter has to be enveloped again, so once the letter is received to us,
we can send the letters altogether to Super Junior.

Please send the letter to below address and don’t write you web nicknames on the outer envelope.

In the inner envelope, please write FROM: your web nickname, TO: Super Junior.Please don’t stick stamp on the inner envelope.

Please use blue-ish coloured envelope for inner envelope.
The colour of the pen and paper does not matter.

The letter will be only accepted until Friday, 31st of October for the most involvement.
Please send it at least a week before the due date to be safe.

[전주시 덕진구 덕진동 1가 1265-35번지 중앙원룸 202호
우) 561-191 배우리 SOUTH KOREA]

Above is the address that you have to send.
If you can’t read or write Korean, print this and glue it on the outer envelope.

It's fine if you write your address in your language, but make sure that you indicate your country name in English.

*******please state that u are my friend(blurkimchi)
i have told the orangizer abt this problem that some people do not have SJ-market account .. u can send without PM her .. but if u wan to play save write my name at the bottom so she will confirm with me ur letter have arrival a not ..

This is the very first event that SUPER MARKET is rolling. We wish many people can get involved.

Everyone who loves Super Junior can get involved with all the events including written letter event.

3 yeasr annversary is close, join the project!! ^^

i will do this project^^ with pleasure^^

For Singapore Fans (we might combine a letter as a country again. You are allow to do it alone but please tell me:D)
u all can contact me at
thank you

International Fans can send me your letter through e-mail, if you don't wish to post the letter by yourself Very Happy




thank Very Happy Very Happy



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